God started sending me people who
wanted to share their stories.
About the podcast
This podcast was inspired by a simple wish. A desire to keep and nourish that “on-fire-for-Jesus” feeling that occurs on and shortly after spiritual retreats.
I kept thinking there has to be a way to keep that fire burning. Maybe even bring that joy, peace, and love into everyday life. And, maybe share it with people who haven’t been on retreat for a while or even at all.
But doing a podcast wasn’t even close to being on my radar. Perhaps with the Holy Spirit’s nudging, the thought just popped into my head (and out of my mouth) in answer to an impromptu question.
And before I knew it, that spontaneous thought went from an “idea” to a “thing.” God started sending me people who wanted to share their stories. He put people and resources in front of me to teach me how to produce a podcast. And He gathered a community to encourage me and support this movement.
Let us make something beautiful for God.”
- St. Teresa of Calcutta
We stumbled through the first few episodes—but I could already tell we were on to something special. The first episodes touched my heart enough that I thought we should keep going. I hope they touch yours, too. And now, we’re continuing to create episodes and learning and getting better each time.
Do you want to join our movement? Do you have a story that might move even one heart toward Jesus? If so, fill out and send the form on our Join Us page. If we are interested, we’ll be in touch. You can also help us by following, liking, and sharing our episodes if they inspire or move you. And always, please pray for us!
God is Good!
Your friend in Christ,